Laura Bush Suffering

Funny story written by Cal Jennings

Thursday, 26 April 2007

image for Laura Bush Suffering
Laura Bush Suffering

CCN (Crazy Cal News) - Laura Bush said on national TV, "...believe me, no one suffers more than their president and... and uh I do."

Now, it's possible that Laura has suffered more than all the soldiers who lost limbs and other body parts, and that she suffered more than all the families who lost their loved ones in this blood for oil war in Iraq... after all, she has to live with President Bush.

It must be terrible to have to face the humiliation of George in front of all those foreign dignitaries as they sip on champagne and eat caviar from endangered Beluga whales. It must be horrible to have to live in the White House and sleep on 1000 count sheets night after night.

Think how she's suffered having to eat such rich food all the time. Think of the horrors of having to dance at expensive balls and having President Bush step on her feet. Think of how dreadful it must be to live in air conditioned rooms all the time while our service personnel are out in the hot, sandy desert dripping sweat and blood.

Yes, I think Laura and the president have it far worse. She's married to George, and they BOTH have to put up with being lampooned by writers.

Laura Bush doesn't know if she'll be able to attend the Bush/Blair wedding because she doesn't know if she'll have enough millions to be able to afford a ticket to the U.K.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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