CCN (Crazy Cal News) - Washington D.C. - Upon hearing about the genocide in Darfur, President Bush made a televised speech to the people in Darfur.
"There are alot of African Americans in Africa," said Bush, "and this is indeed a tragedy, but if they wouldn't drink so much gin, there wouldn't be so much ginocide. That outa' be a lessen to 'em. If ya' drink too much, you're gonna die."
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, and the NAACP were outraged at President Bush's remarks and called for President Bush's impeachment. "Hell, we'd rather have Don Imus in office than that KKK leadin', Nazi lovin, yokel cracker," said Sharpton. "How can our people be free with a honkey supremacist like Bush in the President's seat," said Jackson. Jackson and Sharpton pitched in and bought President Bush the video, How to Dance Like a White Guy.