CCN (Crazy Cal News) - Washington, D.C. - While President Bush was concentrating on the testimonies in the Senate inquiries, Democrats went to the president's bedroom and found that President Bush has an intern of his own.
Intern Ima Hottie of 666 Helhound Blvd, Hell was found lying on the bed with a white spot on her red teddy.
When asked why President Bush was sleeping with a woman when he was engaged to Tony Blair, Ima said, "He just wanted to have one last fling with a hot woman before comitting to a life of gay sex."
The Democrats threatened to send photographs of Ima to Tony Blair if he vetos the $124 billion war spending bill that would require American troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq by Oct. 1. Bush replied, "Toni'll never believe ya'. Heh heh... he knows how much I love pumpin his poop chute."
When the Democrats said they would send the photos to Blair anyway, President Bush replied, "You Democarts are terrerists. Ya' just can't negotriate with you people. Ya' can't make a deal with you people."