Sir Donald Trump, being the very special person that he is and insists on you knowing that, does not have to stand for a smug shot. ‘Smug Shot’ is a term invented especially for His Holiness because he is so far above us that it is amazing that his feet even touch the ground when he walks.
His Honor also was not put into handcuffs as would happen to normal criminals of his ilk. That probably wouldn’t have been a bad idea to do anyway because it would have prevented him from fondling any attractive women standing nearby by the ‘p word’ (‘plumbing’) on his way in to see the judge.
They probably would have done well to tape over his mouth as well as he let loose his typical vitriol on those behind his arrest including the now famous phrase “Let’s make April 4th as memorable as January 6th!!!” which caused a convulsive epileptic fit to go through all his followers present simultaneously once that message went into their ears and made its way through all of the blockages it encountered on the way to their brains.
Trump was royally escorted into the Court House (which had rolled out a red carpet for him as he had requested) his loyal minions, sobbed as he passed him by and extended their hands to touch him much like the throngs had done to Jesus in biblical times. Once he was inside they immediately started riots that were reminiscent of the George Floyd destructions in Minneapolis except this time they were against anything and any one even vaguely looking leftist (ie. - people wearing rainbow anything, electric cars, men with hair longer than their shoulders, anyone coming out of Greenwich Village, left hand turn signals and lights, left handed people, left side bike lanes, etcetera). Signs they carried stating Witch Hunt!, He Only Grabbed Her By The Plumbing!, Leftist Libel!, And Special On All Trump Books At Barnes And Nobles! suddenly became weapons against the police and security guards. A chant of “Hang Juan Merchan” (the presiding judge in the case) began and got louder, but the protective forces were prepared for this and successfully repelled the barbaric hordes.
Since their wrath had been curtailed, the mob turned to a library at the end of the block and attacked that instead. This they did gleefully just to have something to vent their fury on and most of them couldn’t read anyway. They toppled aisles of books, shredding select ones in their wrath. Books that bit the dust included those by Nancy Pelosi, The Clintons and Obama’s, John Steinbeck, The Koran, Buddhist writings, poetry volumes, environmental books, Mother Jones magazines; just about anything that wasn’t conservative met a tragic end, mostly by burning. Left behind in the rubble unscathed were copies of the Epoch Times newspaper ( the ultra right rag sponsored by the Republic of China to tell Americans how to be American), the Bible, the Wit And Wisdom Of Ronald Reagan, and, of course, any of Trump's books. Copies of the Constitution were found, but the clauses about freedom of speech and freedom of the press had been ripped out of them. Librarians managed to survive by climbing out the windows or by quickly finding MAGA hats to put on. The building was then set on fire and Trump's Tyrants then bought rancid hotdogs and over the expiration date marshmallows to roast in the flames.
It was a fun time for all except the bleeding liberals (and I don’t mean their hearts) and the librarians who had a big mess to clean up. Also for the attackers when all the surveillance cameras were checked and subpoenas drawn up to appear before the same judge they had wanted to hang………