Watch that Disrespectful Door, Donny!

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

image for Watch that Disrespectful Door, Donny!
Giving Side-Eye to that Damned Door that Refuses to Open Itself!

Hoss Bowman Cooter Skruggs here, old timey Country and Western super star.

I was on the Spoof the other day, right after I was out front of the Trump Tower waiting for the big man to exit the limo and walk proudly into the courthouse.

Well, sir, I done heard (or read) this song about not letting the door hit you in the ass … but a gal named something Siam, or something …

Now the lyrics weren’t great and the beat was off, but I know what kind of music sells. And it’s not always good music. Have you heard pretty much everyone in the Top 40? Yeah, them. They suck, but people love to suck and are willing to pay big money for the chance.

Now when I done seen Trump walk into that interior courthouse door and the court officer didn’t nohow noway keep that door open for Trump, I thought, “Woooo doggy! Now don’t that sound like a song I done read not long ago?” And so I sang it and you can too! Scroll back the Spoof pages and see where the door hits some sumbitch in the ass and think to yourself … well now ain’t it funny how fiction can become reality?

I ain’t wanting to toot a horn here, but I sees what I sees and Donald Trump is gonna remember that disrespectful door for the rest of his life, no matter which bars he’s behind.

Sing, Donald, like the jailed bird. Or maybe shut up for a few decades, we heard enough of you for a lifetime.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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