While Trump was being arrested, New York police, of course, had to go through his pockets to see if was carrying any contraband.
What they found:
One used condom.
One small baggie of an unknown white powder.
Ivanka’s love note to her daddy, reading: “I’ll visit you every day, daddums, and I’ll keep your pillow warm.”
Melania’s lipstick (used by Trump … again, WTF?)
Eric’s soother.
Donald Junior’s beard comb and anal lube.
A cameo necklace with a photo of Jeffery Epstein inset.
A not used condom, ribbed for her/his pleasure, size small.
A length of rubber tubing that reached into his underwear. (Wha?)
A pack of cigarettes (to use as currency in jail)
Another used condom, but this one with a gerbil in it.
A syringe filled with an unknown clear fluid … and a bit of blood in it … [sigh] …
Tiffany’s mouth guard.
Rudy’s private phone number (disconnected due to lack of payment).
Hush money.
Stormy Daniels’ measurements and a photo of her stained by a pair of red lipstick lips on …. Ooooooh, now I get what the lipstick was used for … still, WTF?
All belongings were returned to Trump, including the white powder and syringe since no can prove what they are … technically, but everyone knows the truth …
… just like Trump saying “Not Guilty” … but everyone knows the truth …