A Colorado Pot Shop Is Selling Orange Pot Brownies That Are Shaped Like Donald Trump

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

image for A Colorado Pot Shop Is Selling Orange Pot Brownies That Are Shaped Like Donald Trump
The brownies before they are cut into the shape of the evil pervert.

DURANGO, Colorado - (Spoof News) - The Cloud 9 News Agency has just commented that a marijuana pot shop in Durango is selling the hell out of orange pot brownies that are shaped like "Fat Boy" (Trump).

The orange brownies are reported to taste quite good, and only contain 2 calories, with no carbs, no sodium, and just a smidgen of steroids, which act as a preservative.

The owners of the shop Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dillshill, who are both 69, say that they are shipping the Pot Goodies to every state in the nation except for Iowa, where the residents do not smoke pot for fear of turning into a Charles Manson type of asshole. ■

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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