Since Trump knows he’s fucked forever, he figures he might as well go whole-hog, as they say here in Kentucky, the Incest State.
I don’t necessarily mean he’s going to do hard time, but his reputation is shot. Even his own party doesn’t want him losing more votes, only able to get the crazy MAGA vote, and that’s not enough to get the majority in anything.
So Trump went to Waco. Ah, I remember Waco … Janet Reno giving the order to kill people who had too many guns (I think that was why the ATF were there. And too many guns? In America? Is Janet Reno still alive? Does she know about Republican Christmas cards?)
But for the sake of argument, Waco was a bad thing in its time. The live television Waco show came, I think, before the OJ Simpsons trial, and TV always needs good ratings. So Reno needed press so she killed a cult leader.
America breeds cult leaders like it breeds incest children (it all comes back to Kentucky.) It’s like saying there are too many obese Americans, so there shall no longer be fast food restaurants. Americans don’t care THAT much about their health, otherwise they’d have universal health care. And they love all forms of Christianity, don’t they? Without America, there would be no Mormons, for example. Thanks, America!
And from Waco we come to Timothy McVeigh, who bombed a piece of Oklahoma as revenge for Waco. Does anyone recall actual history, or has it been smothered by fake history? Trump likes domestic terrorists (remember, Tim McVeigh came BEFORE 9-11, so there was no benchmark higher than him at the time … and now Trump … another benchmark of sorts …)
So by essentially aligning himself with Waco, Trump is saying he wants to fight. When the going gets tough … when your back is against the wall and you still haven’t gotten Mexico to build your wall for you … when you know you’re a loser traitor who should be waving a Russian flag instead of any American flag … what do you do?
You spread the hatred and fear. Make it about you – defend me with your bodies, bring an army with lots of AR-15s, be my shield, I command you, my minions!
… Donny doesn’t want to get his suit stained with anyone’s blood.
If that Trump rally wasn’t Hitler-esque enough … he wants to be a terrorist (just ask the Taliban), to instruct terrorists, and to have them fight for him to turn the country into Trumpland … my god, America, do you need it spelled out? What do you want – to be loved? For THAT president, that living abortion? Come on, we in the rest of the world can only laugh so much … please stop being soooo funny … your empire is dying … have the decency to lie down and not interrupt the priest as he gives you last rites.