Right Before Putin Death Star Vaporizes America Trump Asks Russian Leader for More Dirt on Clintons and Bidens

Funny story written by Jaki Treehorn

Thursday, 31 March 2022

image for Right Before Putin Death Star Vaporizes America Trump Asks Russian Leader for More Dirt on Clintons and Bidens

Moscow - Just after Vladimir Putin revealed that he had developed a large orbiting platform with a powerful laser which could entirely destroy the United States, former President Donald Trump requested that the Russian dictator reveal all of the hidden secrets of Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton, so they would get the blame for the destruction of the free world.

"Hunter Biden, as we all know, helped George Soros develop the COVID virus at a Ukrainian biolab, for the sole purpose of embarrassing me and my greatest presidency of all time" said Trump. "Also Hillary Clinton killed thousands of political opponents and tried to destroy America. Putin has all the evidence, just ask him to reveal it to us before we get annihilated" he added.

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