BILLINGSGATE POST: Kamala “Breath” Harris, currently riding shotgun and lady-in-waiting for Dementia Joe to blow out the candle, was known for using her feminine wiles to work her way up the ladder.
Her fling with Willie Brown, while he was the mayor of San Francisco, was notorious and provided the inspiration for pop singer Paul Anka’s melancholy melody: “Put Your Heels On My Shoulders.”
Put your heels on my shoulders
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me that you love me too...
Certainly, there have been other broads who have used sex to get what they wanted. But not since Cleopatra threw some leg on Marc Antony and was made queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, has a female achieved such power using what comes so naturally.
Dr. Slim: “There ought to be a law against using sex to gain power.”
Dirty: “Yo, Doctor. There is: It’s called the Law of Diminishing Returns.”