Republicans Are Getting Gosh, Gee Nervous

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Sunday, 20 September 2020

image for Republicans Are Getting Gosh, Gee Nervous
"Where is my cape?"

White House Press Secretary Brian Morgenstern has had his red bullfighter’s cape in hand, and has been flashing it back and forth. How dare the Democrats stop laying down dead, and use politics to fight back. Who do they think they are? Republicans?

Swinging his cape left and right to make his point, Morgenstern spoke. "The Speaker threatened to impeach the PRESIDENT—AGAIN— just for doing his job and filling his constitutional obligation, and appointing a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsberg..."


Hey, Manolete, your boss skipped his constitutional obligation to fight the coronavirus. All he did was to advise Clorox enemas, and 200,000 people are dead. Now he's getting to work?

Morgenstern’s red cape got tangled around his waist, but the guy persevered. "A number of those Democrats are threatening to pack the court (when they win the election) and say things like ‘nothing is off the table.’ Ah-Ha!"

Editor’s question: Was he laughing or making a point?

Reply: He managed to get untangled from the red cape.

Free of the cape, Morgenstern continued with his tirade. "These are bizarre and dangerous power grabs by Democrats who will stop at nothing to erode the Constitution to enact their radical agenda."
Throwing his cape to the ground, he took the bull by the horns and announced, "President Trump will fulfill his constitutional duty to protect our God-given rights and do his part to fill the seat."

Pssst, not to be too catty, but Trump's rear could fill two seats.

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