President Trump Plans To Deliver His RNC Nomination Acceptance Speech From His White House Bedroom

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Thursday, 6 August 2020

image for President Trump Plans To Deliver His RNC Nomination Acceptance Speech From His White House Bedroom
Trump has said on several occasions that he has more brain matter in his nose than most people have in their lungs.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) - The President has just announced that, due to security reasons, he and two of his top advisers have decided that it would be a great idea to deliver his nomination acceptance speech from the safety of his White House bedroom.

Kellyanne Conway told the assembled White House press that it is not that POTUS is afraid or anything, it’s just that he knows that he probably has about 700 or 800 people who might try and attack him because they are extremely jealous of his amazing one-of-a-kind hairdo.

POTUS noted that he has actually received nine threats to mess up his hair with everything from hand sanitizer to orange-flavored Jello.

Melania said that she is not worried, because she will not be in the White House. She commented that, on nomination night, she plans to be in California visiting her BFF Meghan Markle and the prince.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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