Mensa Accept President Trump

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Monday, 3 August 2020

image for Mensa Accept President Trump
Don't worry - it's Fake News

President Donald Trump, so long a target for people who have called him everything from a fool to a moron - and most things in-between - is now set to make his detractors eat their words, after he announced in a Twitter tweet last night, that he has been invited to join Mensa.

Mensa is the organization open to the top 2% of people with above-high intelligence, determined after having taken various IQ tests.

It currently has more than 140,000 members, in over one hundred countries, and, according to President Trump, he is about to become its newest recruit, after - he claims - he "scored highly" in an IQ test.

Mr. Trump said that there will be people who say that he isn't in the 'top 2%', and that he only scored 2%, but that this just wasn't true.

This report is an example of what is meant by the term, 'Fake News'.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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