Painting Shows President Trump And Boris Johnson May Have Been Separated At Birth

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

image for Painting Shows President Trump And Boris Johnson May Have Been Separated At Birth
Johnson or Trump by Gough

There's no disputing it! Whatever evidence anyone comes up with to the contrary, a recent portrait shows that, without the shadow of a doubt, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are identical twin brothers who must have been separated at birth!

The portrait by Holland-based UK artist, Vince Vaughan Gough, can be seen above, and was originally done as a portrait of Prime Minister Johnson, but when Gough stood back to admire it, he was struck by how much it also resembled President Trump.

He said:

"There's a distinct likeness. Their build, their hair, their eyes, even the shapes of their bonces, not to mention the fact that they are both complete and utter twats with a tendency for buffoonery."

But another painter, John Lesson, of Lesson Painters & Decorators, said:

"Nah, they don't look alike. It's just a crap painting!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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