WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump recently met with Kitty Sequoia, a reporter with the iNews Agency at a local McDonalds. Trump stated that he wanted to clear up a story that had appeared in the latest issue of Consolidated News Magazine.
POTUS told Miss Sequoia that his wife (the 3rd of 3) had really become upset when she read the article claiming that she’d had breast implants over the New Year’s holiday. Trump stated, “Look Kitty, everyone knows that my sweet Melly’s knockerinos are 100% real. Believe me, I never lie, and I will promise you that those gorgeous babies are totally and perfectly the real deal.”
Trump went on to say that he is planning on talking to Vice-President Pence about having the owner of the news agency arrested and sent down to Laredo, Texas. Sequoia asked, “To have him deported?” and Trump replied, “Hell, no I am going to have that frackin’ loser put to work helping to build my big, long, tall beautiful wall, which I will be naming, The Donald Trump Big, Long, Tall Beautiful Wall.”
Miss Sequoia smiled and said, "Oh Mr. President, you are really such a sweet, handsome, likable individual." Trump gave her two up and down looksees and winked saying, "Sweetie, the wall isn't the only thing that is big and long."
IN CLOSING – Mrs. Mike Pence recently told Fox News host Sean “The Hairdo” Hannity that her husband, (Vice-President Pence) is so shy that he always showers with his clothes on.