NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - According to The prestigious Watchdog News Agency, everyone in the Trumpturd's circle of people was and is either an ass kisser, a suckass, or an asshole. WNA reporter Lulu Cul de Sac, noted that the only person clo…
TIJUANA, Mexico - (Satire News) - Boom Boom News (Mexico) reports that a highly trained Guatemalan drug cartel cat named Bobby, is responsible for smuggling over 900 pounds of cocaine from Guatemala into Mexico, and into the US, just since Jan. 1, of…
EAGLE PASS, Texas - (Satire News) - A reporter with The Austin Texan World, Gazebo Serengetti, has shown exactly how ineffective the Trumptwat's expensive-as-hell wall actually is. Serengetti took a photo of an automobile that crossed from Piedras…
EL PASO, Texas - (Satire News) - The Daily Max News Agency has just revealed that a recent QuinniPinni Poll has shown that every single day thousands and thousands of undocumented individuals from Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, the Ukraine, and the D…
CHICAGO - (Satire News) - The Wall Experts Union recently held their annual convention at The Al Capone Commemorative Coliseum in the Windy City. A convention organizer said that 17,209 wall experts from all over the nation attended, including the…
Remember the wall Trump promised to build at the Mexican border? The wall that was supposed to be paid for by Mexico? The wall would keep out all the rapists, drug addicts, and murderers that Mexico sends to the United States? Trump came down the…
Austin, Texas - Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott said that Texas will build an electric fence on the border with Mexico, without consulting the U.S. government or Biden Administration. In addition, the entire fence will be connected to the ex…
MEXICO CITY - (Satire News) - The government of Mexico is still extremely concerned about the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States; even though they have gone down drastically. With border states California, Arizona, and New Mexico still…
As we reach the critical point in the US presidential campaign, and possibly the decline of politics as we know it, it's been claimed that President Donald Trump first hatched the idea of a 'Mexican Wall' after first reading a story about Hadrian's W…
PAPOOSE RATTLE, New Mexico – (Satire News) – Border Patrol agents report that they saw a cat carrying a small backpack scale Trump's Border Wall. The agents are 99.8% certain that the backpack was filled with cocaine. They informed a reporter…
Donald Trump today had the equivalency of a stroke, only it came out as empathy in the form of an Executive Order. He authorized 33 billion dollars in relief aid to Bangladesh. He then ordered all nearby naval ships to assist in evacuating as many Ho…
EL PASO – The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency has just released some amazing statistics. They are pointing out that, just since the Coronavirus hit the USA, the amount of illegal immigrants who are opting to return to their homes south...
CALEXICO, California - Border Patrol agents in the border town of Calexico have apprehended a person they described as being an illegal tourist. Agents Dusty Voight and Chauncey Ortega said that they were patrolling the border wall between Calexic...
MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s Health Minister, Roberto “Bobby” Uber, has informed President Trump that Mexico will be closing the US-Mexico border very soon. He said that, according to the latest health statistics, which were provided by the Health Stat...
CALEXICO, California – Before President Trump left for his trip to India, he and Ivanka visited the California border town of Calexico. Trump had flown there to find out why his beautiful perfect border wall has already fallen down a total of 19 t...
NOGALES, Arizona – President Trump was in Nogales to dedicate a memorial to Apollo Diddawinski, 84, the man who single-handedly planted over 900,000 saguaro cactuses all over the state. And he did it while driving in a Volkswagen Beetle. The presi...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump recently met with Kitty Sequoia, a reporter with the iNews Agency at a local McDonalds. Trump stated that he wanted to clear up a story that had appeared in the latest issue of Consolidated News Magazine. POTUS t...
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