After dating seriously for almost two years, Ray Campbell and Monique DuBois of Brooklyn, New York, found that their relationship had deteriorated to the extent that they could scarcely stand the sight of each other. Out of sheer desperation, they turned to role-playing to shift the dynamic of their frayed connection - and it worked so well that they decided to continue the experiment indefinitely.
"Essentially, we pretend we're madly in love and are charmed by all of each other's little quirks," explained Monique. "I get really into playing this slightly helpless type that's overwhelmingly impressed by everything he does. And when I get upset or annoyed or mad, he acts like he's captivated by my every gesture, and just stares at me with this tiny little smile, and says he knows he should be listening better but he gets distracted because I'm just so beautiful."
"It's really fun," said Ray.
While Monique and Ray acknowledge that they haven't really addressed any of the core issues in their relationship, they say that focusing on developing their characters' own roles honing their own acting abilities has proven such a joy to each of them individually, that it almost doesn't matter what the other person is or isn't doing.
"We've found our sweet spot," says Monique. "Ray is growing every day as an actor, and I so admire that."
"And she's just so beautiful," said Ray. "To have so much character and be so freaking gorgeous at the same time seems almost criminal. But I'm not complaining! I hit the jackpot."