Donald Trump Underscores His Emotional Insecurities in Description of 2020 Presidential Candidates

Funny story written by C/L

Friday, 26 April 2019

image for Donald Trump Underscores His Emotional Insecurities in Description of 2020 Presidential Candidates
Anyway not only is Joe Biden "Sleepy Joe." He's also "Dopey Joe, Grumpy Joe, Bashful Joe, Sneezey Joe!

In a recent interview Donald Trump revealed his emotional insecurities over 2020 Democratic Presidential hopefuls.

"First of all, there was no collusion with Russia," Trump stated for the millionth time.

"Secondly...That is the number that comes after firstly, right? Anyway not only is Joe Biden "Sleepy Joe." He's also "Dopey Joe, Grumpy Joe, Bashful Joe, Sneezey Joe!" I would never call him "Doc Joe" because that's my nickname for his wife. I would never call him "Happy Joe" either, because I already secretly call one of the Native American Code Talkers that.

Trump went on to describe Bernie Sanders as full of "talkative energy" but unable to accomplish anything. It's funny, because a young prostitute said the same thing to me in Moscow years ago.

Trump stated that he had a dirty joke about Pete Buttigieg being homosexual and the fact he has the word Butt in his name. "I learned my lesson from the Access Hollywood tapes fiasco, so that's a joke to be told later," Trump said.

"Kamala Harris is well, you know...Some of the things a white nationalist might call her, but I definitely wouldn't talk that way, publicly, about her. I just think those things to myself. She would make a great talk show host like Oprah, but she's uppity-"

At this point the interview was abruptly brought to a conclusion. Everyone Having heard enough of the President's ridiculous ravings.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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