Trump And Hamburgers And Delusional People

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Monday, 22 April 2019

image for Trump And Hamburgers And Delusional People
“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

There is living proof, as witnessed by Donald Trump’s behavior, that a diet of hourly hamburgers and diet Coke, (apologies to the Cola company) can make one delusional.

Though Trump in no way resembles the hamburger-eating character of the POPEYE series, J. Wellington Wimpy, Trump’s rhetoric resembles Wimpy’s: “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

Which sounds an awful lot like, “I’ll release my tax returns after the audit is finished.”

Cornered for bad behavior by the Mueller Report, Trump is once again blaming former President Barack Obama for his misdeeds. The latest delusional blame game is Trump's announcement that Obama constructed, built, separated and caged the children of asylum seekers at the Mexican border.

Not true.

In the blame game, Trump might as well blame former President Obama for his first divorce from Ivana, an immigrant; his second divorce from Marla Maples, an American; and potentially a future divorce from Melania, another immigrant.

While forming a doughnut with the tip of his index finger and connecting it to his thumb, Trump adds, “Trust me!” The doughnut formation is also a salute to his regular consumption of hamburgers, as well as a miniature symbol for the hamburger.

“Trust me!” The doughnut formation is presented. “Obama cheated on his tax returns and his attorney general protected him and asked the Democrats to go after my tax returns instead. The Democrats are the liars and should be investigated. Trust me, (doughnut) I have nothing to hide. Attorney General Barr agrees.”

“Yes. The Democrats spied on Trump and should be investigated!”

Looking more like Bluto in the POPEYE series, and contradicting the Mueller Report with a four-page summary, (believed written before the Mueller Report was released) Attorney General Barr is jumping-jack-fast to defend Trump.

Like Popeye, it’s time for Robert Mueller to power up with a can of spinach, and testify before the House Judiciary Committee and every other House committee and announce. “I say what I mean and mean what I say.”

Because spinach will always trump a doughnut.

“I’m strong to the finish cause I eat my spinach.”

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The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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