Trump consulting on who to appoint acting president while he takes a break

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Monday, 24 December 2018

image for Trump consulting on who to appoint acting president while he takes a break
Senator Graham has said: "Let me at it and I will show you the proper way to run this office!"

According to Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, the list for who will become Acting President (APOTUS) is being carefully studied.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan is also being called in as advisor for the process.

Mr. Trump has announced he must temporarily step down from the Presidency although he has not revealed precisely why.

Speculation has it Mr. Trump's business interests need attention (Trump Towers across the globe) beyond the capacity of Mr. Trump’s sons to deal with.

Mr. Trump’s sons are Acting Directors of Trump Industries at this time.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bolton has startled mainstream media by announcing he prefers to become Acting National Security Advisor instead of permanent in the position.

Insiders speculate he might soon depart for greener pastures in neocon endeavors and plans for the planet.

Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu may have approached him for an “acting position” with the Israeli government to help rejuvenate the almost-but-not-quite-hot war with Iran.

There is however (so far) no evidence that Melania has told Mr. Trump she is “Acting FLOTUS” at this time, and is looking forward to a change of assignment in due course.

Generally speaking, mainstream media have been perplexed that the US Government has devolved to an “Acting US Government” at this time until a more definitive body is firmly in place.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has stated she is definitely NOT interested in “acting status” at this time as Press Secretary.

On those being considered to stand-in for Mr. Trump, she adds:

"Mr. Pence has said he is a permanent vice president (lingering on that word permanent) and cannot take on more responsibility. Besides, he is too busy with Christmas at this time."

“Mr. Kushner has said, ‘Oh, yes, daddy, yes, please, I would love to be acting president for a few months in practice for the 2024 election'.”

“Ms. Haley has indicated that as APOTUS she would make sure America’s true feelings for Vladimir Putin are at last properly expressed.”

“I'm talking money and troops to the Ukraine," she said. "As you know, he ain’t no friend of mine.”

“Mr. Netanyahu has said he would welcome a temporary stint at APOTUS to help his dear friend Mr. Trump, and ‘bolster his own sagging reputation in his home territory’.”

As to herself taking the position, Ms. Sanders replied, “Well, in that case, I wouldn’t mind it, especially with FOX news analysts to help guide me.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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