Trump Will Drop BOMB In Debate: Ayatollah Khamenei Holds Obama's Kenyan Birth Certifcate

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Thursday, 6 August 2015

image for Trump Will Drop BOMB In Debate: Ayatollah Khamenei Holds Obama's Kenyan Birth Certifcate
God's Choice

BILLINGSGATE POST: Sources close to Donald Trump advised FOX NEWS to be prepared for total chaos tonight. BILLINGSGATE crack investigative reporter, Detrick "Dirty Trick" Detrich, was told that the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, called Trump last night and informed Trump that Barack Obama folded like a cheap Hungarian accordion in the negotiations regarding Iran's quest for a nuclear bomb.

When informed that Muslims keep birth records too, President Obama told the Ayatollah that he would sign off on "anything less than a hydrogen bomb" if Khamenei would hold off until January 2016 on disclosing that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya like the rest of his siblings.

The Donald is expected to immediately call for Obama to step down from the presidency no later than this coming Monday. It is expected that the eccentric billionaire will take over the White House in a bloodless coup before sunset that same day.

In other words, the debate tonight is a mere formality because Trump feels that he has a special mandate from the Almighty to lead America back to its constitutional footings.


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