In a striking assault on 'family values', the Con/Lib government has given the green light to promoting the abandonment of heterosexual unions to one more enlightened featuring unions 'that could go either way,' according to a MP in Yeoville well acquainted with the situation.
The startling change in policy was brought about after a recent highly regarded liberal politician thought to be on the 'fast track' to stardom, left HIS wife after the election for a less than attractive lesbian horse faced lover, who also forsook HER 'wife' she married in a civil union.
The politician, elected on a slate of family values prominently featuring his wife of many years, and a proportionally correct amount of children sired during the marriage, was caught out having a 'torrid' affair with the woman who hailed from the Isle of Lesbos.
The woman claimed when leaving her 'wife' that the sex with the elected politician was 'wild...the best....I was left breathless,' much to the consternation of the majority of gay UK constituents.
The jilted wife of the female in question, says she not only is hurt, but wants her strap on dildo back, "well, she' F*****d me with it, but that doesn't mean I want HIM to be getting the same satisfaction," said the scorned partner.
Under the new edict from the Council of Ministers in Brussels, adultery, recreational activity with a French Dominatrix, and trading national secrets for perverse sex acts will not be a firing offense.
"Everyone has human rights' said Minister Jacque LeDorque, " we can no longer dictate how people get themselves off....people are entitled to experiment with their sexuality, even Brits....perhaps some good will come of it eventually and take their mind of futbol..WANKERS!"