Gay Mississippi teen to meet Obama at White House this Tuesday

Funny story written by Frankie The J

Monday, 21 June 2010


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image for Gay Mississippi teen to meet Obama at White House this Tuesday
This is not a lithograph of Constance McMillen, but a woman wearing bloomers.

WASHINGTON D.C. (ABSNN) -- Constance McMillen, an 18-year-old lesbian at the center of a controversial cancellation of her high school prom, will meet President Obama at the White House on Tuesday at a reception for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens in honor of Gay Pride Month said White House sources.

(Damn, that was a long, long sentence worthy of Steinbeck in his novel "Travels with Charlie.")

On Thursday, McMillen will serve as one of the Grand Marshalls in New Yorks City's Gay Pride Parade. She will be the queer blimp held down by prancing fairies.

(That was a cruel remark unworthy of even Rand Paul.)

"Ellen Degenerate (I'm sure candidate Paul meant DeGenerous) gave that homofaggosexual $30,000," remarked the aformentioned Paul. "That queer won't even allow me to address her audience, and that's just wrong!"

McMillen sued her Mississippi school distict in Jackson for cancelling her prom because she wanted to bring a same-sex date.

Editorial Note:

As a gay, RC priest, I find it hard to believe that a state as progressive as Mississippi would stoop to such a low level as to do such a thing.

The National Mississippi Baptist Klan Coalition denied it had anything to do with the cancellation of the prom but did say they had hanged McMillen and a blow up doll in effigy Sunday afternoon during dinner on the grounds.

Editorial note:

Is Obama reaching a bit too far for votes in 2012 by holding this dinner?

Apparently not. President Obama said, "I've been a lesbian most of my life. I'm honored to have all these degenerates here in the White House. Hell, we let George W. Bush live here for eight years!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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