New Orleans Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Tranny Hookers Collective Sues BP

Funny story written by queen mudder

Monday, 21 June 2010


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image for New Orleans Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Tranny Hookers Collective Sues BP
One in seven of New Orleans' population is a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender hooker?

New Orleans - (Crudités): The beleaguered oil firm is being sued by the city's 50,000 'special needs' sex workers for $500 million in compensation for loss of earnings.

The New Orleans GLBT Sex Workers Collective says members are normally working their assess off during the balmy summer months.

All that has suddenly gone pear-shaped because of the oil spill's stranglehold on valued customers' wallets.

"Even our regulars can't afford their regular Friday night $50 shag," Collective member Sadie Nirvana complained today.

"We blame Tony Hayward for pulling us off the street and into penury."

A spokesperson for BP said this afternoon:

"Fifty thousand gay/lesbian hookers in New Orleans?? That's one in seven of the entire city's population!

"Where in hell did this daft story come from anyway?"

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