Tory Voter will give them one last chance, for the seventh time

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Thursday, 5 May 2022

image for Tory Voter will give them one last chance, for the seventh time
So will still have the support of a fictional character with a stupid name then?

Brian Asshat, grammar nazi, and thrower of shoes has said, to no-ones great surprise, that he will be giving the Conservatives one last go.

Near neighbour, Gary Johnson said 'Over Lockdown I got to know Brian a bit, I mean I was always throwing his shoes back into his garden for him, and I spoke to him about the mess the world was in'.

'What has Gary been saying?' asked Brian later, when we told him 'Oh, that. Of course I will be giving the Conservatives only one more chance. Yes, I know I have said that seven times before, but this time I really mean it'.

We will see if Brian sticks to what he says. I bet you can't wait to find out either way, can you?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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