Ill advised April Fool's Day joke falls flat

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Friday, 1 April 2022

image for Ill advised April Fool's Day joke falls flat
So, they didn't really mean it? Buckingham Palace is far too small for me anyway.

In an ill-advised April Fool's Day Joke, Boris Johnson has offered Buckingham Palace to Donald Trump.

Posting on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages Mr Johnson said 'We have never really thanked Donald Trump for all of the good that he did during his time as President. As a mark of our respect, he is now free to make use of Buckingham Palace.'

Of course, this story is also An April Fool's Day joke as well. Boris Johnson is not on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, but if he was, this is the type of thing that we would imagine him doing.

#Damnthesatire #Tooclosetothetruth

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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