Prince Philip Arrested Again

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Sunday, 20 January 2019

image for Prince Philip Arrested Again
HRH the Duck of Edinburgh

The troublesome Duke of Edinburgh has been arrested just two days after rolling his Land Rover in a Norfolk road accident - this time for not wearing a seat belt.

Prince Philip, 97, was out gadding-about again after Thursday's smash, when he was stopped by police. The officers could see the Duke's belt was not secured around his Royal Personage, and gave him advice on this, but, due to his reaction, it was decided to impose the standard, on-the-spot £100 fine.

This, however, made matters worse.

Officer Neil Pleb told us:

"It was not the Royal Response we were expecting, to be perfectly honest with you. I can't say too much until it's been to court, but I was a bit shocked at the choice of vernacular."

His partner, Steve Treason, was less guarded, and said:

"Some people think they are above the law, and can get away with anything. We are here to make sure that doesn't happen. It's one rule for everybody, regardless of who you are."

Both men were then taken away to the Tower of London for debriefing.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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