In the global War Against Terrorism, there are one group of combatants that refuse to give in to the Islamic Extremists who threaten to destroy their way of life: The British Holiday Maker.
With the latest tragedy in Tunisia, where 18 British sun bathers were callously gunned down as they slowly gave themselves skin cancer on the beach, one group has decided it is not going to back down.
"We're not goin anywhere! We paid for our 'Oliday, and we're not leaving", said Brian, a retired 64 year old plumber from Leeds.
"They think they're going to win, but we'll continue to drink beer and cocktails by the pool, just to show them what they're up against", said Brenda, a 34 year old hairdresser from Blackpool. "If they think they're gonna stop us sun bathing and singing karaoke at the hotel bar every night, well they got another thing coming then 'Aven't they?"
British holiday makers continue to defy Islamic Extremism by refusing to leave their 5 star hotels and white pristine beaches. The bravery of these people who continue to purchase cheap Tunisian massages and drink Mojitos by the pool every day is to be admired, and should remind us that everyone has a role to play in the fight against extremism.