The office of National Statistics has reported an alarming increase in the number of Atheist babies being born to religious parents. Anna and Steve Gutridge of Lower Funting, Harts are one such couple:
"I'm C of E and the wife has what you might describe as broad-spectrum new-age beliefs, when our third child, Tarquin, was born, we were hoping for a religious baby - I wanted a lapsed Catholic, my wife had high hopes that little Tarquin would be born into the Wiccan religion. It was a bit of a shock when the Doctor informed us that we'd ended up with a radical Atheist on a par with Hitchens or Dawkins."
After a rocky start, the family have started to come to terms with Tarquin's forthright secular views.
"Obviously, it's taken a little while to adjust, but you just have to get on with it - Your child's belief system isn't something you can choose, unlike for example, their sexuality, which you can."