TAMPA BAY – (Sports Satire) - Tom Brady, who can hardly wait for the NFL season to begin, stated that he was really excited to hear that the Buccaneers may be signing Usain Bolt – the world’s fastest man.
Brady told ESPN-4 that he called up Bolt and told him to come visit him and his family in Tampa Bay, and to bring as many family members as he wants.
Bolt, reportedly replied, “Can I bring 17 relatives?”
“Hell, yeah!" Brady replied. He then said that he could even bring any domestic pets he may have.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans all over the nation are wishing and hoping, as Dusty Springfield sang 56 years ago, that one day soon, Tom Terrific will be tossing touchdown passes to the fastest man on the planet.
ESPN-4 reported that Bolt told Brady, "Hey 'mon,' you just throw da pigskin as far as you can, and Usain will get to it, nooooo problem."