Every NFL Cheerleader is Furious as Hell

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 20 August 2020

image for Every NFL Cheerleader is Furious as Hell
The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have said that it is no one's business if they have a 'landing strip' or not.

NEW YORK CITY – (Sports Satire) - The NFL Cheerleaders Union has just filed a complaint with the National Football League.

Union rep Bambi Toogaloo told CBS Sports that Commissioner Goodell has informed each NFL cheerleader that she will have to comply with the new NFL Cheerleading Covid-19 Guidelines.

The commissioner stated that every cheerleader will have to provide a saliva specimen, a urine specimen, and a notarized letter that shows her exact height, weight, and period cycle.

The Cheerleaders Union insists that it is an invasion of their members' privacy to have to have to reveal personal and intimate information, including whether a cheerleader is pregnant or not.

The NFL has said that rules are rules, and they will be obeyed, or else the cheerleaders will not be allowed to “rah, rah, rah.”

Many of the cheerleaders are especially upset at one of the questions which asks if their nipples are inverted or verted.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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