The NFL’s Decision to Play or Not Play Keeps Going Back and Forth

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

image for The NFL’s Decision to Play or Not Play Keeps Going Back and Forth
As of now, Las Vegas odds on the NFL season being completely cancelled are 50-50.

NEW YORK CITY – (Sports Satire) - NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has put out another message saying that the previous message circumvents the former message.

The media shook its head and uttered an appropriate WTF?

Some writers said that Goodell keeps changing his mind like Miley Cyrus changes girlfriends and/or boyfriends.

The commissioner noted that there are just too many players that are testing positive for the Coronavirus.

He then added that there are others who are just saying that they will opt out of playing, and go up to Wyoming, where there are hardly any cases of C-19.

One die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan said that perhaps the NFL could use the rules of Six-Man Football, and that way the NFL can kick-off once and for all.

Goodell said that he will take that excellent idea under consideration.

Meanwhile, Tom Brady with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers replied, “Hell, I don’t care if we have to play games with the quarterback, the center, and one receiver. My football organs are itching to start throwing balls.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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