PFfizer (or however you spell it) has put vaccines in gum! For all those bratty kids and their suspicious parents who don’t want to take their medicine … who doesn’t love a stick of gum?
This gum is different, however. It sticks so well, that you may never get it unstuck from your teeth. If you drink bleach (according to Trump’s “medical” advice) then you may have a chance at not having a mouth full of gum for the rest of your life.
But even then, the Pzzir – whatever – says the gum will “live” in your stomach for years, and possibly grow.
If you turn into a monster – you get your money back! Ever seen Alien? That is a possible side effect. But Pzisser’s “scientists” have stated that “The gum is good and safe and we absolved ourselves from any and all blame from now until the end of time … or however you people got left to live.”
Not sure what “you people” meant, and the science guy wouldn’t say as he left in a hurry after saying he “just shit” himself.
Gum is good! Chew your life away, with PFizzer – it’s the fizziest!