Bezos-Musk Inc., Has Discovered A Cure For The Female Period

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 27 May 2022

image for Bezos-Musk Inc., Has Discovered A Cure For The Female Period
Dr. Sandcastle's granddaughter Staci Grillgarden, 24, participated in the pill study.

AUSTIN, Texas - (Satire News) - The largest corporation in the entire universe has just announced an astounding cure for the dreaded female period.

Chemists for Bezos-Musk Inc., after extensive research studies have discovered a pill, that when taken orally (or anally) will totally eliminate a woman's "Time of the Month."

Dr. Jagger P. Sandcastle, 62, who is on the Bezos-Musk Inc., medical staff, stated that his "Pill Team" discovered the magenta and fuchsia colored pill after putting this and that together in his wife, Octavia Leigh's kitchen.

Dr. Sandcastle stated that O.L., who was still having her "Monthlies," now feels like she's a 21-year-old young woman, who will no longer have to buy tampons, IUD's, Midol tablets, or even a vibrator.

SIDENOTE: Jeff Bezos has said that his and Elon's company has already signed a huge contract with a gynecological corporation in Reno, Nevada, to market the new pill, which will be sold under the name "Bye-Bye Bitchiness."

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