Monkey Hookers from Gamma 7

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Thursday, 21 April 2022

image for Monkey Hookers from Gamma 7
NASA Does Not Stand For "Never Any Space Aliens"

Late-breaking news story from NASA - a race of monkeys from the planet Gamma 7 have landed on Earth to breed with humans!

Some have already become hookers to start the most successful bordello in Milwaukee, which will soon be renamed: Monkey Hookerland.

Selected human males have already given birth with this experimental technique, giving birth through their penises to monkey-human hybrids.

The alien monkeys have stated that if the humans don’t want the babies, they will be shipped back to Gamma 7.

One pregnant human male, Reggie, has stated, "I hate the deadbeat dads of my fellow humans and want to live on Gamma 7 to raise my baby right!"

Once sent to the alien planet, Reggie will be known as The King of Baby-Daddies, and will become a god to a new religion.

All Hail Reggie!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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