Gun nut, racist, xenophobe, homophobe and staunch NRA supporter Clem Snout made an emotionally charged speech today on the state of "his" America.
Well that's just a bunch of liberal crapola what them Jews and fags and darkies say about too many guns!
The more firepower in the hands of white Americans the better - and I mean even kinda weirdy WHITE Americans! -- If a few folks get nailed along the way well that's just like my Momma used to to say: "Clem -if you wanna make an Omelette you gotta break a few eggs."
Matter of fact we need WHITE America to wake the fuck up and start investing in REAL firepower because when the Jews and Africans and Mexy's and Homo's start swarmin all over us it's gonna take some Howitzers to set em back on their asses.
It's like Sarah Palin always says - "Don't retreat --RELOAD!" And I don't see nothin' in the Constitution says a white American cain't own a howitzer or even a flame thrower - or mount a set of quad fifties on his pickup truck.
Next year the NRA will seek legislation to REQUIRE every White Man (non Jews and NO homos) to carry a gun at all times except when he's humpin' his old lady and then she has to have one handy and keep one eye peeled for trouble.
Vigilance is the answer, you all just don't read that kikey propoganda from the wimpy NY Times!