With the advent of a new bill that has mysteriously made its way through Congress to become law, the U.S. government has, to many minds, permanently dissolved itself and binned its own constitution for keeps.
The Bill, hastily presented and passed with a minimum majority from a depleted House, is soon to be enforced. It is unclear if those who voted in its favour actually understood its contents. In a nationwide address President Obama made a stirring speech in its defence.
"With terrorism on the march these are critical and dangerous times that call for new models of government that will be more effective and secure for us all. So, our administration has set up a series of agencies using the model of the National Security Agency.
These agencies allied in the main to the Intelligence Services will be financed out of the national defence budget. The official organs of government will still exist but their role will be pragmatically reduced to a supervisory one, no less effective for all that. What this means is that important decisions concerning our economy and society in general will be more ably managed by trained personnel instead of by ad hoc committees as at present.
Ultimately, the network of agencies we envisage will be answerable to the President, his cabinet and the Council on Foreign Relations; and will operate in accordance with the financial directives of the Federal Reserve Bank. Congressional staff members who are suitably qualified will be migrated to key positions in the network. So too will executives from the key corporations and industries that make this great nation what it is today. This will make for a more efficient government we are convinced.
We must move with the times; so let no one think of this as a "shadow government". On the contrary, it is the most sensible way to ensure real economic growth for our economy and to strengthen us against the volatile effects of other economies and their currencies. Peace be with you. And a happy Christmas to you all.
Editor Finnbar O'Flynn of the Dublin Gazette, possibly the only mainstream newspaper on the planet that is not controlled by government or Freemasons, commented on the broadcast....
"Whoever taught this tool of Satan English will have to answer to God, the sooner the better."