A guitar once owned by Jimi Hendrix has been purchased at auction by someone from the Trump Family, but no one is sure who owns it.
Donald tried to play it and broke three strings until it was taken away from him by the SS.
Donald Junior ... no shit … snorted coke off it. Where Jimi once snorted coke off it! Blasphemy!
Ivanka giggled and said “Is that where music comes from?”
Tiffany had her head in a punch bowl and couldn’t be reached for comment.
Jared was tasting some Saudi sausage … and couldn’t be reached for comment.
And Eric slipped the guitar strap over his back and strutted around the Mar pretending he was Elvis, saying “Look at me – me Eric – me Elvis man! I big super star rock and roll hero! Daddy, watch me! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” … it went one for a while.
Now, the priceless guitar (Cost: $4 million) lies at the bottom of a jacuzzi getting wet and warped and fucked for anyone to ever play or even enjoy looking at.
That’s what happens when the Trump Crime Family owns anything – like me or you or America.