Jennifer Lopez, also known as J Lo, recently forgot how to spell her name.
She called Ben Affleck, also known as Ben Aff, or B to the Aff, or J-Lo’s Benny Aflack, etc etc … but old Ben also didn’t know.
“Did you try it with a B, like what my name’s got?”
“Yes, Ben, but my name’s Jennifer! Not Ben! You are Ben! God, why’d I’d ever go out with you?!”
She called her agent then her publicist then her paparazzi, and finally, her maid told her how to spell her own name.
It’s a J … then a Lo … that’s it, no more … please! ¡Dios mío! No more of these stupid Hollywood names!”
So simple! Now the superstar can head out into the world and finally have dinner reservations under her own name instead of Mildred Q. Loopy. Which she knows how to spell.