Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones 5 is Coming!

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 17 July 2021

image for Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones 5 is Coming!
Donald Trump told son Eric that he can hardly wait to see his former lover/spanker up on the giant silver screen.

HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – Hollywood Hors D’oeuvres has just announced that the fifth installment in the extremely popular “Indiana Jones” movie franchise will begin filming soon.

A spokesperson for the motion picture spoke with HH’s Tahiti Zeppelin and he told her that 79-year-old Harrison Ford is as excited as a cotton boll weevil in a Mississippi cottonfield.

He revealed that the new movie is tentatively titled “Indiana Jones Hunts Down The Zany Zombies of Zanzibar.”

The movie will have a stellar cast including Antonio Banderas who will star as protagonist Lorenzo Lola, who has always been jealous of Indiana’s success, fame, money, and sexual prowess.

Trump side-piece, Stormy Daniels will star as Lorenzo’s erotically horny estranged wife Rita Lola, who wants to get back with her husband so bad, she will do anything including, but not limited to giving him sex every four hours.

Gay hip hop Republican singer, Black Kitty Meow Meow will star as the gay Democrat rap artist Ice Gizmo Yo, who has the hots for Rita Lola, Lorenzo Lola, and Tom Brady.

Making cameo appearances will be Taylor Swift, LeBron James, the Russian band, Pussy Riot, Vice-President Kamala Harris, and 99-year-old Betty White, who will briefly appear as Indiana Jones' great, great grandmother Beulah Flora Jones.

The film’s musical score will be written and performed by the famed country band, Little Big Town.

The movie will have an R-rating due to expletives, invectives, obscenities, vulgarisms, and a weird-as-hell scene between a circus midget and a female kangaroo.

SIDENOTE: The movie will be shot on location in Duck Dung, Alabama, since the topography greatly resembles that of the Africa country of Zanzibar.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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