NEW YORK CITY – The one Trump that all of the news media (except for Fox News, of course), says is the only Trump who does not lie, has dropped a humongous bombshell, with her tell-all book on the “Pied Piper of The Potomac”.
Mary Trump says that, during family picnics, holidays, pinatas, and trips to Coney Island, her uncle would use the “N” word countless times. And she added that he would not even bat an eye.
She commented that Eric and Donald Jr. would laugh and call their daddy the plantation overseer. Eric, who is kind of on the stupid side, would start singing old slave songs, and Donnie Jr. would start talking like Kanye West.
Mary once asked her father why uncle Donnie used the "N" word so much.
He replied, "because the man, unlike me, is a self-centered, egotistical racist who thinks he's better than anyone else simply because he's white."
Mary pondered that thought for a moment, and remarked, “But daddy, uncle Donnie is orange."