Washington, DC - a recent study of 3000 women around the globe, found that nearly three quarters of them found men to be sexiest when standing in a thai-chi, karate stance, regardless of ethnicity.
This peeked our sexual curiosity around the office, so right after Karate practice, we sent our well-waxed, metrosexual, man-on-the-street, Hayward Jablomey, to find out what stances woman don't usually find so attractive in men.
Here's Jablomey's top ten list of unattractive stances you might find yourself in:
#10 - Plummer's Crack of all sorts.
#9 - Pretending to dry hump the photocopier at work.
#8 - Doggie Style' Dance Moves at weddings or office parties.
#7 - Naked air-guitar
#6 - End Zone Dances in front of TV for sports.
#5 - End Zone Dances at foot of bed after sex.
#4 - "Air-Masturbating" while doing the "call me" signal with the other hand.
#3 - Sport-humping your college buddy.
#2 - Being on the receiving end of a tea-bagging (although this writer does question the confusing similarities to the karate stance they seem to enjoy so much.)
#1 - Standing beside your car, pointing at your wang!