No Glee Involved

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Monday, 3 April 2023

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"Oh say can you see..."

There is no glee involved when a fat cat gets Indicted. Trump is no cat, but Donald Trump has been allowed to abuse the system from the 2016 election back to Trump University and, pretty sure, considerably more. He managed to skip away from every act the average guy or gal respects or, if ignored, is prosecuted.

Who else, besides Stormy Daniels, has he successfully bought off?

Now Donald Trump is being brought to justice.

Where is the justice for Hillary Clinton? She could and should have been the first woman president of the United States if Stormy Daniels had not been bought off. Nevertheless, unlike Trump’s 2020 call to arms insurrection and invasion of the Capitol, she respectfully accepted her defeat.

Has Donald Trump even conceded to President Biden?

Trump’s supporters in the House and Senate still claim a vote count mishap and write letters insisting that the New York Southern District prosecutor come down to D.C. and answer a few questions.

Talk about a witch hunt. Shame on them.

Think of the numbers of men and women who have died on battlefields throughout the world defending this experiment called a Democracy.

Think of The Memorial Wall at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, that honors 139 CIA members who died in service to this nation. Mr. Bone Spurs mocked the wall.

Representative Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said if she had led the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the insurrectionists would have been armed, and they would have won.

And Democracy would have lost.

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