Russian Money is Cheaper than U.S. Toilet Paper - says Economist

Funny story written by UncleDale

Saturday, 30 July 2022

image for Russian Money is Cheaper than U.S. Toilet Paper - says Economist
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The Right Wing 'Dump All Our Mistakes on the Consumer' Foundation - chief economist, Dr. Strangeheart gave a talk about the Russian invasion and the Russian economy backing it up.

Dr. Strangeheart is disabled, in a wheelchair - one hand in a black glove that keeps going to his throat as he talks. He has a thick accent.

"Unfortunately, the Russian Ruble Backing up the whole Russian War machine is basically less than the cost of toilet paper,” he says.

“Sixty rubles equal one American dollar. A big roll of Toilet paper is $5, so that is 300 rubles. Three hundred rubles in the bathroom will last a lot longer than that one roll of toilet paper. Maybe it will become trendy, and cheaper, to use rubles rather than toilet paper.

“Something from Russia other than Vodka will become famous.

“The poor Russian people. They live on $250 a month - $15, 000 rubles.

“What a great life Putin gives them.

“And Putin is currently doing a billion-dollar invasion of Ukraine - which will make their life even more miserable.

“But they love their Putin!”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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