President Biden Tells Putin That The Entire World Is Sick and Tired of His Invasionistic Antics

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

image for President Biden Tells Putin That The Entire World Is Sick and Tired of His Invasionistic Antics
The graphic says it all...PERFECTLY.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - The Vox Populi News Agency has stated that POTUS texted President Vladimir Nikita Putin, and let him know that 193 of the world's 197 countries have signed a petition insisting that he get his invading bastardized military troops out of the Ukraine within four days.

President Biden did not reveal which four countries did not sign the petition, but the highly dependable information guru Andy Cohen, said that the four countries are France, North Korea, Laos, and Lower Clitavakia.

Meanwhile Putin replied to Biden's text by saying that the United States and all of the other 193 countries can all forget about receiving anymore fabulous Russian Vodka from the communist country.

President Biden said that he does not drink vodka, so he could give a rat's ass if the US gets any of his vile vodka or not. He further suggested that Putinski, take all of his stockpiled vodka and use it as a fucking enema.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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