List of Future Top Jobs For the Next Generation Includes Many New Ones Not on List Before

Funny story written by Al N.

Saturday, 8 December 2018

image for List of Future Top Jobs For the Next Generation Includes Many New Ones Not on List Before
Unverified Uber Drivers

The Naldrett Future Studies Institute of Anchor Bay released their latest report on future jobs. This gives Millennials the chance to plan ahead before spending all their future earnings on college courses.

The Institute said that the most jobs will be in the following fields:

The burgeoning marijuana industry will yield the following new jobs:

  1. Marijuana Delivery Driver
  2. Marijuana Farmer
  3. Marijuana Dispensary Worker

Future transportation jobs will include, to the exclusion of all others:

  1. Uber Driver
  2. Verified Uber Driver
  3. UPS Driver
  4. FedEx Driver

Other new jobs include Prison Uniform Fashion Designer and the second highest paid job, Drug Tester.

And finally, the highest paid and most popular new job of the future will be Dictator.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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