Tom Cruise - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Dear Diary,

Well I really impressed those Scamatology clams today at the Scamatology party. I wore my official, one-of-a-kind Blessed Diamond-Platinum Plus Super-Power Medallion. Boy, did I look great! And still do, if I do say so myself, which I just did. Wow, I just kill myself sometime! Maybe I should quit acting and become a comedy writer! No, of course I owe it to the world to keep making stupid and asinine sci-fi movies, in honor of that fat tub of Scamatology, Big Daddy Hubbard.

I kept wondering where all the people were that used to be at the Scamatology functions. I'm thinking they'll all just jump out and yell surprise for a big party for me. Ya, that's probably it! Nobody would ever quit like those liars said. This is too much fun and where else can you get SUPER-POWERS than in Scamatology?! Well I better get down there. I wonder if they're still hiding? Oh, what am I thinking, of course they are. Especially since i have the super-medallion on!

Love me,

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