Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary

Monday, 3 November 2008

Dear Diary,

I cannot understand it. Three months ago I sent a private message to America demanding the release of certain of our men from Gitmo, a large food drop near my men some ten miles from here and a box of lice powder. If our demands were not met we would have our operatives hid throughout America to kidnap Rosie O'Donnell, Rush Limbaugh and Regis and put them through a slow lingering death.

So what happens? Nothing!

Lachech says our people were told something about "please don't throw them in that briarpatch"

Now does that make sense? I am sure they have misunderstood the message. Or maybe our operatives botched it because someone already had the O'Donnell woman tied up and ready for us. They suspected a trap so they left her.

I give up trying to understand the Western mind.


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