Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary

Friday, 31 October 2008

Dear Diary,

This must be the height of irony but, I give you my word on the Koran, I thought I saw Elvis Presley this morning! I was emptying out the chamberpot and noticing it had "Stew" on it and thinking that crazy cook had made still another mistake, when I saw someone ducking behind a big rock. So, I decided to duck behind the other side. Finally, this voice right out of Graceland says, "I can't even take a crap in the desert without somebody nosing in!" I say, "Are you Elvis?' But no one answers. Then, after another fifteen minutes I take a peek around the rock and see something in the distance. Quickly I get my binoculars, and there he was in a 1955 pink Cadillac.

No wonder they cannot find me. They have looked for him over 30 years now.


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