Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Dear Diary,

I made another quick run to America this time through Canada. They never check you there. You just have to keep up the "eh's" no matter what.

"Your first trip to America, eh?"

"My tenth, eh?"

"How long will you be there, eh?"

"Just long enough to catch the Britney Circus thing, eh!"

"I hear the 'thing' has taken it over, eh"

"That's twat I heard too, eh!"

So I go through eh. Sorry, got into the habit, eh.

The show itself was fair but I had a front row seat and a midget fell into my lap, eh. Shit!

Then near the end, I was almost snatched away, eh?

I'm closing for now till I forget these Canadians, eh.


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